Unblock and alleviate trapped emotions and energies to heal persistent pains and stress-related ailments. Differing from sudden, short-lived acute pain from injuries, chronic pains endure for months or even beyond typical healing periods, despite ongoing treatments. These prolonged pains often result from energy blockages triggered by stress, anxiety, or underlying unapparent negative emotions tied to thoughts and beliefs. While pain relief medication offers temporary respite, it doesn’t address the emotional source of the pain.

In Energy Healing Therapy, we address the emotions connected to pain. These emotions are often like layers. In our sessions, we work through these layers, step by step, until we find the main cause. When we clear these blocks and change your emotions at the root, your body can heal, and the pain usually goes away for good.

All healing sessions are available ONLINE or IN-PERSON

During these therapy sessions you will learn to use healing techniques like

  • EFT to help yourself identify and shift any confirmation biases that influence negative emotions and distressing believes that reside as blockages in your energy fields.
  • slow down your breath to quiet your mind
  • to create the feeling of gratitude to open your heart and elevate your emotional state 
  • to consciously connect with you heart’s vibration and resonate with pure unconditional love so that every cell in their body rejuvenates with the blessings of Allah (SWT) to initiate rapid healing. Insha’Allah!

Energy Balancing Therapy for emotional stress and overwhelm

Energy Healing Therapy for chronic pains and stress related illnesses
